Biodiversity and environment
As a matter of company policy, RVG aims to achieve a net biodiversity gain increase of 20% across all our new retirement communities. In other words, we want the sites we build on to be ecologically richer and more diverse after completion than at the outset. As much as possible this is achieved locally so that everyone benefits.
Design strategy
We are building a community that is built around the central, landmark oak tree. The ecological value of the development will be significantly enhanced by increasing biodiversity and integration with existing trees and vegetation.
Boosting biodiversity
There will be many opportunities to increase biodiversity in the retirement village. For instance, we intend to install bird and bat boxes, as well as beehives. As part of our sustainable urban drainage system, there will a natural pool onsite. This will help encourage habitat diversity and boost the wildlife population.

Planting and trees
Our planting will encourage and nurture high-quality and locally appropriate habitats , maximising biodiversity by appealing to a broad range of species, from invertebrates to birds, bats and other small mammals. Planting of native flowers and berry rich shrubs and trees will provide foraging, breeding and shelter for wildlife and will complement the retained habitats and trees.
External lighting across the development will be designed to minimise light pollution and disturbance to foraging and commuting routes for bats and other nocturnal species. Extensive soft landscaping will mean an abundance of feature trees, canopy trees, hedges, wildflowers and as long grasses.
During the construction phase, we plan to remove some trees. As much a possible these will be the trees that have been damaged by animals or weather or which are at the end of their natural life. In any event, we are committed to introducing many more trees than we remove, strengthening the sense of wooded parkland.